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SeroMP Recombinant

The SeroMP™ Recombinant kit is Savyon Diagnostics’s new assay for the semi-quantitative determination of antibodies to M. pneumoniae recombinant antigens in the IgG and IgA ELISA and a mixture of recombinant and native antigen in the IgM ELISA.  The kit is semi-quantitative utilizing three ready-to-use calibrators.

The SeroMP™ Recombinant presents improved performance parameters in different aspects, which bring to a net result of increasing the difference between sick and healthy populations and between positive and negative results. The kit enables a differential determination of specific IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies, as well as the possibility to adapt the assay for automation.

 The added value of using recombinant antigen:

  • Specificity increased due to substantial reduction of prevalence in healthy population
  • Borderline results are clarified to either positive or negative values
  • Sensitivity is maintained or increased in parallel with increasing specificity
Catalog No Product name Tests/kit Approvals
A1261-01 SeroMP Recombinant  IgG 96 CE/FDA
A1262-01 SeroMP Recombinant IgM 96 CE/FDA
A1263-01 SeroMP Recombinant IgA 96 CE/FDA
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