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Savyon’s URISCREEN test (CLINICAL LAB & VET)- is a rapid screening test for the detection of bacteriuria and somatic cells in urine. It is simple, highly sensitive and conclusive. This makes it ideally suited for routine testing in schools, industrial plants hospitals, clinics and physicians’ offices.

Independent clinical studies have demonstrated that URISCREEN is exceptionally sensitive and will indicate positive at concentrations of 5 x 10EXP4 CFU/ml with at least 95% negative predictive value (NPV). URISCREEN meets the need for faster and less costly screening procedures by providing both physicians and laboratories with a quick and efficient tool. As the URISCREEN test can be conducted on the spot, therapy may be initiated without delay, or the patient can be referred for further testing.

URISCREEN Test is CE-IVD marked and FDA 510(k) cleared for POC and OTC use. The test is also CLIA weaved.

Catalog No Product name Tests/kit Approvals
101-01 Uriscreen 20 FDA/CE
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