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Acid-labile Subunit human

The acid-labile subunit (ALS) consists of 577 amino acids and is part of the ternay complex of the Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) -system. The ternary complex consists of IGF-I/ IGFBP-3 or IGFBP-5 and the ALS, within the complex the half-life of IGF-I is singnificantly prolonged, it increases from 30 -90 minutes up to 12 hours. Thus, the complex is one means to regulate the bioavailablity of IGF-I.

Until today there is no defined diagnostic application of ALS measurements. The Mediagnost test system allows the investigation of the potential value of ALS as a biomarker, e.g. in doping or preeclampsia.

The  Mediagnost ALS ELISA allows the reliable measurement of human ALS in serum and plasma. An overview of major assay characteristics is given in the table below. More detailed information is available in the package insert and for special requirements or questions please contact us directly by email or phone.


Product number


Regulatory status


Reference material
Incubation time 3h
Antibody Rabbit
Standard native human ALS
Assay Range
0,23 – 6000
Sample matrix

EDTA- / Heparin Plasma

Sample value 1:150
analyt. Sensitivity
Intra-/Interassay variance [%] <10
Package insert pdfsign
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