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IGFBP-3 human

The insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) is a protein of 264 amino acids. IGFBP-3 is part of the IGF- system and regulates the bioavailablity of IGF-I, in additionit can exert IGF-independent actions.

The Mediagnost IGFBP-3 tests allow the sensitive measurement of IGFBP-3 in human Serum and other sample matrices like urine, follicle or seminal fluid. IGFBP-3 concentrations in serum are influenced by growth hormone, age, pubertal status, nutrition, hypothyriosis, diabetes or liver and renal function. In clinical diagnostics IGFBP-3 is measured to evaluate the function of the hypothalamic pituitary axis.

Fragmentation of IGFBP-3 influences the availability of IGF-I and could therefore be a measure for IGFBP-3 biological functionality. Increased fragmentation of IGFBP-3 was shown in different catabolic situations like sepsis or trauma, burns, malignant diseases but also during pregnancy.  Mediagnost offers a ligand binding test (E04A) which detects only IGFBP-3 able to bind IGF-I.

An overview of major assay characteristics is given in the table below. More detailed information is available in the package insert and for special requirements or questions please contact us directly by email or phone.


Product number


Regulatory status (EU)


Reference material
Incubation time 2,5h
Antibody Rabbit
Standard native IGFBP-3
Assay Range
0,03 – 15150
Sample matrix

EDTA- / Heparin Plasma

Sample dilution 1:505
analyt. Sensitivity
Intra-/Interassay variance [%] <10
Package insert pdfsign
Reference values Blum WF, Ranke MB (1990) Use of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 for the evaluation of growth disorders. Horm Res 34 (Suppl):31-37
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