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IGF-II human

The insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) consists of 67 amino acids and has a molecular weight of 7,5kDa. IGF-II is expressed in several different tissues during embryonic development. This growth factor binds with high affiniy to the mannose-6-phosphate receptor but can also bind to the IGF-I and the insulin receptor. IGF-II regulates fetal growth und is often formed by tumor cells. Further, IGF-II might be of relevance in cardiovascular diseases.

Mediagnost offers two non-extractive test systems for the measurement of human IGF-II, both are calibrated to the international Standard NIBSC96/53.

An overview of major assay characteristics is given in the table below. More detailed information is available in the package insert and for special requirements or questions please contact us directly by email or phone.




Product number


Regulatory status (EU)


Reference material NIBSC 96/538
Incubation time 3h
Antibody Mouse / Goat
Standard recombinant IGF-II
Assay Range
0,016 – 3609
Sample matrix

EDTA- / Heparin Plasma

Sample dilution 1:401
analyt. Sensitivity
Intra-/Interassay variance [%] <10
Package insert pdfsign
Reference values Blum W, Schweizer R: Insulin-like growth factors and their binding proteins; in Ranke MB (ed): Diagnostics of endocrine function in children and adolescents. Basel, Karger, 2003. Measurement was performed after acid-ethanol extraction and values were corected for recovery (factor 1.2).
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