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l.Comparison of Three Commercially Available Peptide-Based
Immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA Assays to Microimmunofluorescence Assay for Detection
of Chlamydia
trachomatis Antibodies. van
den Brule et. Al., Journal of Clinical Microbiology, February 2002, p. 584-587,
Vol. 40, No. 2
2.Randomized, blinded, placebo controlled trial of doxycycline for chronic sero negative arthritis. Smieja et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2001 Dec;
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3.Cervical Immunity to Chlamydia trachomatis and Human Papillomavirus Infection in Women
with Gynecologic Malignancies. Korneeva et al. Diseases Society of America (IDSA) 39th Annual Meeting 2001
4.Enzyme Immunoassays of C.trachomatis and C.pneumoniae Serology: New Tools for Chronic Disease Epidemiology. Smieja et al. Canadian
Microbiology Meeting (CACMID).,1999
5.Can Serology Diagnose Upper Genital Tract Chlamydia
trachomatis Infection? Chernesky & Mahony., Sexually
Transmitted Diseases, January 1998. 14-19
6.How to use Chlamydia antibody testing in subfertility patients . Land
& Goosens., Human Reproduction
Vol. 13 No. 4 1998. 1094-1098
7.Is Serology of any use when searching for correlations
between Chlamydia
trachomatis infection and male infertility? Ruijs & Mremer., Fertility and
Sterility Vol. 53 No. 1 January 1990. 131-136.